Short crime stories
“The cat got up and moved to her lap. He was purring while she cuddled him. He felt sleepy. He turned around on his back. She smiled. He was so cuddly. His fur was almost entirely black, only his paws and fur around his left eye were white. He was so beautiful. She wasn’t afraid anymore. She felt quite relaxed in here, as the matter of fact. She was a bit sleepy, though. No wonder, it was almost 9:30 p.m. She reached her hand toward his belly to rub it, but saw something that surprised her. “Have you ever checked if the cat is male or female?” she asked. The cook looked at her and seemed surprised. “Why would I? Does it really matter? We are all hungry, no matter what gender we are.” he replied. She knew he is right. It didn’t matter. But she couldn’t restrain herself. “It’s a male cat.” She said. The cook only took a deep breath and shook his head to show that he didn’t care. She started rubbing the cats’ belly when he jumped and bit her. She got scared and left him to fall on the floor. He fell and ran toward the kitchen door. Since it was closed he started scratching them. The cook went there and opened it. The cat ran out into the night, furious.”
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